
OMG! Look at this butterfly! 10:59 AM

Is the butterfly to the left not the prettiest thing you've ever seen? I think this has decided me about which site will become my main blogger...Blogger! I love that I can download themes and that I can edit them myself! I don't know html that well (or whatever the code is used with Blogger) but I am usually able to muddle through and change font sizes, colors, etc.

I want to put in a tag cloud, I think that's what it's called. Or at the very least a regular tag list so people can find what they want quickly...also a way to link to my other blogs would be nice. Max has his own blog. :P

Moving again? 10:08 AM

After canceling my domain name I realized that on the rare occasions that I do blog I don't have a main one anymore. I've been testing out WordPress, which I use on my domain, but have realized that the general one doesn't let you customize it much. Hopefully, Blogger will give me more options.